Welcome to RLFS
The RLFS was established by the Ministerial Decree No. 1752/1998
and was inaugurated with honor by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture
Laboratory specialties in examining the foodstuffs of animal origin from meat, fish ,milk and their products whether they are imported, exported or local .Using approved reference methods to determine their validity and fitness for human consumption and make sure that they are free from animal pathogens and common diseases and their toxins, harmful residues from veterinary drug residues, hormones, pesticides , etc., and their conformity with national Egyptian standards, international standards and quality specifications and detection of commercial fraud for the purpose of protecting the consumer.
The RLFS has been accredited by the National Center for Accreditation and inaccordance with the ISO 17025 and the accreditation is renewed annually until now.
The laboratory provides expert analytical food testing laboratories and consulting services to a broad range of food & feed manufacturers.
Organizational structure of the reference laboratory

The Central laboratory in AHRI, includes
1- Unit of receipt, physical examination and sub-sampling to the corresponding units according the requested analysis.
2-Food bacteriology inspection unit.
3- Harmful residues unit.
4- Unit for detection and quantification of antibiotic residues in food of animal origin.
5- Food chemistry unit.
6- Microbial toxin unit.
7- Animal By-product Inspection Unit.
8- Quality Testing Lab.
9- Unit for preparation,production and performance testing of microbiological media.
The Regional laboratories branches in different Egyptian customs.
a- Alexandria food inspection lab.
b- Port-Said food inspection lab.
c- Domiate food inspection lab.
d- El-Ariesh food inspection lab.
e- Gurghada food inspection lab.
The laboratory, units are equipped with modern and accurate measuring instruments and diagnostic materials and the laboratory is staffed by highly experienced integrated team of food chemists, microbiologists and technical personnel with the best expertise in the field of inspection using the latest methods based on the official standards, regulations and local laws issued in this regard and in accordance with the international standards approved by the Codex Alimentarius Committees of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
This laboratory was established in line with the strategy and objectives declared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation and the State's interest in providing proper food to the Egyptian citizen and in keeping with the requirements of modern development in the field of health control, validity and quality of food of animal origin . And in support of the supervisory role in the safety procedures of the quality of these foods and the rapid completion of the increasing tasks in this important sector and cover the large expansion in the reception of samples received for examination and validation of human consumption .
In accordance with the technical controls and international and Egyptian standards for testing, analysis and calibration laboratories in this vital field. The laboratory includes a computer network in specific locations, starting with the reception desk and ending in the information center, where the results of all analyzes are stored. It is a scientific reference and a database that serves all research and studies personnel